How Car Dash Cam Helping Business Owners in India
Owning a business takes a lot of courage and capital to start. I along with my friend planned to open our cab business since cab business is at a peak these days. During the first few months, we were busy building contacts with different companies. It was a cakewalk for my friend as he already knew a lot of people in different companies. But when the business finally took off, we could observe a lot of discrepancies between our information and the drivers. We used to get constant calls from the drivers, especially, during the evening hours, telling about the problems they faced with the vehicle. Obviously, it was impossible for us to reach them in a short span. So, we had to trust whatever the driver use to tell us. My friend started taking trips with the drivers to know how frequent the vehicle and the road authorities troubling the drivers. And it was a shocker for us that whenever he took a trip with the driver, nothing went wrong. That is when ...