How Does a Vehicle GPS Tracker Ensure Safety

A luxury car is a dream for everyone and people put their hard-earned money on purchasing a car. Just to ensure the security of the car, car owners are ready for vehicle security devices that can protect the car & place surveillance while the car is on go.
Such devices work like CCTV cameras and empower you to take control of your car's security.  It also allows you to record incidents like vandalism, collisions, and theft. 
Below are some of the factors that should be considered while installing a vehicle security 

1.        In-car behavior of Youngsters:
Youngster’s these days are always busy flaunting their cars and it is really important to keep a tab on them. Rash driving is a major concern when they drive. To cater to such problems, dash cam with GPS device can keep a watch on your teen’s driving. With such a device you’ll be able to regulate their speed and location. Besides this teens will surely be more careful while driving as they will know someone is looking over them.

2.      Save Time and Money:
You can plan the fastest routes and making modifications in real-time based on traffic will reduce fuel consumption and at the same time help you in saving money for the same.

3.      Alerts When Following a Wrong Route:
Vehicle security & tracking devices are really helpful for those who don’t rely on drivers. Such devices notify you when the car takes up the wrong route. You will be certain about your loved one’s safety and it will also reduce your nervousness if they are late.
One such device is KENT CamEye. It is a next-gen device and has dual cameras to record everything that happens inside and outside the car.  It offers live video feeds of either view, from anywhere in the world.

The device allows the user to track the real-time GPS location of the car, and playback the route traveled on a map. It uses Artificial Intelligence to alert the car owner in real-time, whenever anything wrong happens in the car. It is a non-OBD based plug-and-play device which doesn’t require any professional help for installation.

KENT CamEye features face recognition and matching and it can notify the car owner if an unknown person is driving their car. Along with it, it can detect if the driver is sleeping in the car with the air conditioning turned on.
The dash camera can be synced to the user's smartphone transfer data via a smartphone application. The application is available for both iOS and Android operating systems.
You can by this dash cam cum vehicle locator online from the official website with a price tag of Rs.17, 999 and free 3 months free subscription. 

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